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As there is so much information, it is very difficult to keep this site up-to-date so please join us - Face Book group HERE like my page HERE  
Join my STOP PAYING Facebook Group  HERE
Debt and how to deal with the validation of claims. In these hard financial times being educated on your position when it comes to debt collectors, Credit Cards and loan's  is as important now as it ever was. (as said by Robert of Observation Deck)
None of what is discussed should be taken as legal advice and if you need help with debt please seek the help of a professional. Enjoy, learn, and ACT!
 >>> For Education and links to documents/sites needed to clear your debt's go HERE<<<
 >>> Kommerce Vs Karma: Pt 1 of 3 Fiction Vs facts...Look at bills this way HERE...<<<
>>> Kommerce 2 Karma Pt2: Everything is an offer HERE <<<
<<< Vs Karma Pt3: Discharge your debts by discharging your Fiction HERE >>>
<<< Stand your Ground: Lawful/Legal Self Defense Am I a WO/MAN? HERE >>>
>>> Digital Sovereignty Vs Natural Sovereignty - click HERE <<<

Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you can get something from it.


I also hope that you can also appreciate my time and the costs of running this site along with costs for printing, leaflets, postage etc. I am not funded by Bill & Malanda Gates, nor any other government or corporation bodies.

My time on research takes me away from earning and time with my family and friends, however I believe strongly in getting the truth out there. I have and will continue to make many sacrifices personally, and financially to get this information to you, and only if you are able to do so, or feel led to, and please there is absolutely no pressure or obligation, as I will still carry on with my mission. Even the cost of a coffee would be very much appreciated. But like I say please do not feel like you have or need to. 


To donate please go HERE



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