All Administrative Courts are UNLAWFUL “Actions which overthrow and subvert the laws and Constitution of the Kingdom and which would lead to the destruction of the Constitution are unlawful”.
There is NO authority for administrative courts in the UK and no Act can be passed to legitimise them
“To destroy the Constitution of the country is an act of treason”.
Halsbury’s Administrative Law 2011 Halsbury’s 4th Edition of Law 2011 confirms that administrative law is (nothing more than) an arrangement between the Executive and the Judiciary. And that the Law is absolutely clear on this subject. There is NO authority for administrative courts in this country, and NO Act could be passed to legitimise them.
Administration courts and Trustee Positions - HERE
Administration Courts, Trustee Positions & Remedy - HERE
The Games courts play & How to stop a Bailiff - HERE
A Layman's Guide to Law courts & Litigation - HERE
All Administrative Courts are Unlawful - HERE
Courts from The Sovereign Project - HERE
Courts in the USA - HERE
Check out The Court and Law System page HERE
Ownership & Title Deeds
The Common Law Court is now recording, Ownership and Title Deeds for land and/or property in their ‘Book of Deeds.’
As it stands just now, all land and property is registered with the appropriate statutory authority, in the area concerned (e.g. Land Registry or Registers of Scotland).
All land and property is currently owned by the legal fiction/entity (e.g. MR JOE BLOGGS) and associated claims from corporate entities are attached to the Deeds.
Under Common Law you also have the right to record ownership of any land and/or property in the ‘Book of Deeds’ for preservation.
By submitting this record of ‘Ownership & Title Deeds’ you are transferring authority from the statutory system, to a Common Law System and from the legal fiction/entity to the man and/or woman.
Any man or woman can submit a record in this category, provided that they have recorded their birth with the Common Law Court, obtained ownership of the Fictitious Name and have submitted the relevant sales declaration.
The procedure for recording these deeds under Common Law, are as follows:
The named owner(s) on the statutory deeds are the only one(s) that can record this information.
The named owner(s) must have obtained an extract of the deeds, from the appropriate statutory authority.
The obtained extract, will have to confirm the existing owner(s), a title number, a brief description of the property, the address and an appropriate plan for identification purposes.
The extract will also have to confirm the transfer details to the existing owner(s).
The named individual(s) submitting this information must have recorded their birth details with the Common Law Court and must have obtained the appropriate Reference Number to confirm their entry.
The named individual(s) submitting this entry must have obtained ownership of the Fictitious Name, having submitted an application to do so, with the Common Law Court and received the appropriate Reference Number to confirm their entry.
The individual(s) submitting this record must also complete the relevant sales declaration. This sales declaration will confirm the sale and transfer from the existing owner(s) (the legal fiction(s)), to the man and/or woman under Common Law.
The owner(s)/s of the land and/or property concerned are required to submit their entry in full, before it can be recorded.
Deed of Declaration
Common Law Courts Great Britain & International
The Common Law Court exists in cyberspace for the benefit of men and women and will safeguard their inherent and inalienable rights under Common Law.
The Common Law Court is founded on natural law principles therefore it stands as the highest court in the land.
Decisions at the Common Law Court will be reached by using a trial by jury process, where a unanimous vote will establish a lawful remedy.
The existence of the Common Law Court is due to the demand from men and women to obtain a lawful remedy.
In the main, the statutory process does not safeguard the rights of men and woman, tending to protect vested interests instead of the Public Interest.
All men and woman can access the Common Law Court by recording their birth details on this site.
Any man or women having suffered a wrong and having sufficient evidence to confirm this, can convene a Common Law Court. In raising a lawful claim against the wrongdoer, the man or woman will be representing the people.
Where land and property is recorded under Common Law, any claims that were previously attached to the title would be void under the statutory process. The Common Law Court reserves the right for a man, a woman or the individual in control, to raise a claim against the title. Any claims made against a title will have to be verified by a jury of the Common Law Court before being attached.
All decisions of the Common Law Court are unimpeachable and cannot be altered by a statutory court. The only way that a decision from the Common Law Court may be challenged, is if there is evidence of jury tampering, or it can be established that crucial evidence was withheld from the jury, during the trial.
If a statutory court were to interfere, fail to recognise or abide by a Common Law Court decision, this may be a denial of Common Law Rights and a Common Law crime against the people.
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