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First I would like to say a huge 'Thank You' for visiting this site.
My hope with this site is that if you are not already aware of the evil and tyrannical systems in place that the information herein will at least open your eyes.
As I am so busy fighting the corrupt system it is very difficult to keep this site up to date or help anyone personally as Its just me, I apologise if there are videos or information that is no longer available.
We live in a time where technology is advancing at breakneck speed, and while it has brought us incredible innovations and conveniences, it has also created new challenges as your looking at this site from some kind of device I would strongly recommend you check out Omnia here and enjoy a 10% discount before you do anything else. Help bring your body back into balance, Omnia products are top Rated EMF Protection for Every Device.
This site was originally created due to the Convid 19 plandemic, which lead me down many rabbit holes then divinley to 'Natural Law' also known as 'Common Law'..
This website is for educational purposes only and does not constitute as legal or lawful advice. Should you or anyone else use any of the information you do so at your own risk and liability Lifes and Truth accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly from using any of the content from this site or sites mentioned.
For centuries the government, courts, councils, solicitors, lawyers, the education system, religion, and the police as well as many other corporations and Institutions have been lying to us and committing fraud amongst many other crimes daily on such a huge scale and they have been getting away with it for decades the corruption and deception is so deep.
They have us believe that Tax, Council Tax, TV Licence, Utilities and Fines are just part of life and that the government and police are on our side and are there to protect us. However I have come to find that these are not true and through various methods including TV Programmes [Tell I Vision, they are channelling their programmes] we are lead to believe that Debt Collectors/Bailiffs/Enforcement Agents have all these powers like being able to enter our property and take control of our belongings or we will go to prison if we don't pay any of the above like good citizens and that fines etc are legal.. well its all Bull..
I would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to the authors of any documents or resources on this site.
I do hope you don't mind me using your material as most of it was sent to me and unfortunately I don't know the author's to a lot of the information to thank or ask permission, however I would like to think we are all aiming for the same goal so I do hope no one comes after me with Copyright lawsuits, I am just a single mum who since 2020 I have been studying Natural Law and how the systems work and fighting them at theire own game, as thats all it is we just havent been told or shown how to play.
[I still have tons of infrmation to be uploaded I just dont have much time as so busy fighting the corrupt system]
As you can see, I am no web designer I am just someone who has studied and spent thousands of hours and pounds and uncovered a lot of truths and facts along the way that has helped me fight back and I have a huge passion to help others to do the same as I just hate injustice and there is far too much of it going on and I was lucky that I was not indoctrinated by our educational system and was labelled the class clown now labelled ADHD.
My journey started in 2020 I was sent a video about a guy in Australia who had ramped up over hundred thousand dollars in parking fines his name is Santos Bonacci and his video's sent me down many rabbit holes and so I created a website where I could put the information, as self-taught from scratch its not the best site in fact it does make me cringe but if I waited till it was perfect I would never had started.
Like an idiot I jumped straight in and just stopped paying everything best thing I would suggest would be to start with one thing like your TV Licence if you don't pay it then maybe a parking fine whilst your learning if you don’t have a fine then maybe you could challenge the council tax but dont just stop paying as the council will not give in and it is easier for me to fight as I rent and have no assets that can be taken.
It was like I had been hit by a train all of a sudden all these letters of threats were coming in it was so overwhelming and very scary and extremely time consuming to say the least. However I knew enough by watching videos to know that we have been lied to and that I just needed to go through the process, and being a single mum the extra money every month not paying the bills [that have already been paid through your signature] really did help me financially.
With my council tax came the threats of court and liability orders I have been summons 3 - 4 times to court, a summons is just an invitation so I wrote a Notice thanking the court for the invite however I decline the invitation and never heard anything back I also have 3 so called liability orders against me for non-payment of council tax.It was extremely scary and obviously took up so much time in correspondence and educating myself that friends could see the effect it was having on me they said, 'surely it would be easier to just pay', but I had started so I knew I had to carry on regardless. Although I was not prepared for my first visit of a bailiff (bully) I didn't let him as he buzzed he introduced himself through the telecom which I answered as I didn’t know it was a bully and asked if I would let him in, obviously I told him to do one and that I had served Notices to his office and his reply was 'oh what using the Strawman good luck with that'.
(Do not use the Strawman arrgument, they are to use to it and it wont work)
. Eating his words now as I haven’t heard anything since I put in an invoice for £2,000 for him trespassing. l did use the 'strawman' If you are wondering what is 'your strawman' I recommend you watch this short video HERE you can also 'Meet your Strawman' PDF - HERE and I am a living breathing sovereign women to begin with however this just caused me more work and stress and this does not work, although looking back it was all good education for me, now I use Acts, Statutes and Legislations against them, some give in easily, some have given me a run for my money but they do give up in the end. Maxim in law -
What I will say is expect a battle with the council for council tax and Utilities as they won’t back down or admit anything.
Using various Notices to create my own I have had success with accounts being closed or not heard anything back for many many months with Wescott, Moorcroft, Arvato, Newlyn's, Mid Kent Enforcement Agency, Rundles, BW Legal, NSL Services Group, Pastdue Credit Solutions, Gemini Parking, Euro Car Parking, ZZPS, CCP, Debt Recovery Plus, Saba Parking Services, Southend on Sea Council, London Borough of Camden.
Many are awake to what has been going on for years and years and many are fighting back but with so much conflicting information and ego out there it’s difficult to know where to start and who to trust.
I have watched thousands of videos spent thousands of hours and pounds and made many mistakes since 2020, I have created this site to recommend the information that has helped me hoping it will inspire you to look deeper into the fraud and equip you and others with enough information to get you started on your journey to freedom.
As I said its all a game.and once you know and start to play it actually becomes fun believe it or not.
Another great video I recommend 'Nature of the cage' HERE.
I also recommend you look into the real meaning of our words, you can download the ebook Word Majic here.
If you have been getting the dreaded letters of threats, fines, summons to court and you have just been ignoring them then believe it or not your actually agreeing to the their terms and conditions it’s called 'acquiesce' meaning 'To accept something reluctantly but without protest'. The template letters the scumbags send are just an offer to contract but they have perfected the template letters to install fear with big red letters of treats, however we have every right to also offer our terms and conditions and our fee schedule in the form of a Notice. You will notice that when you get a 'letter' 'Notice' or a 'Fine' the sender is very reluctant to put a wet ink signature and sometimes no name at all to any paperwork. You might be lucky and get a printed name, a scribble but you won't get a fully legible wet ink signature. Why? - It's because no one wants to take the LIABILITY! any demand for payment without a true bill MUST have a fully legible wet ink signature, otherwise it is a total violation of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882.
As a single mum it’s been very difficult getting to where I am now, I have helped many many people along the way but my passion is to help as many as possible as it truly is an amazing feeling when you get your first success and when you equip yourself with this knowledge and loose the fear thats all they have. Helping people individually is just so time consumming and we should never rely on a saviour we must save ourselves.
What I have noticed is that all the letters, emails and text messages seem to come in at once hence it can be extremely over whelming especially when trying to help people individually as well as my own ongoing cases and studying and due to this unfortunately I am unable to help anyone personally at the moment, I would love to have the time to help people individually but it’s just me so it’s impossible I already spend my evenings and weekend's studying and doing Notices for myself and the friends I am currently helping.
What I have discovered is that the legal profession’s use a different language to us they use Legalise and use Black Laws Dictionaries. You will find that all template letters, notices you receive will have on them numerous times 'You' or Person, well 'you' or 'your' means the company or other legal entity for which you are accepting the agreement, and 'person' means the legal fiction and you become liable for everything with your name in capital letters. Citizen means worker or slave; Registration means what you’re giving away and to whom you are giving it to. Application means a beggar and presumes you know what you’re giving in order to get what you’re begging for. Submit means to bend to another's will. I remember putting an X in a box for car finance I have since found out that by putting an X in a box means incompetent meaning not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully and illiterate and gives them power of attorney.
We live in a world of contracts for a legally binding contract there must be the following:
An Offer
Meeting of the minds
Mutual Obligation
And FULL DISCLOSURE and wet ink signatures from two sentient living beings. Corporations can only deal with corporations hence your name in capital letters more on that further down.
If there is NO CONTRACT then there is NO OBLIGATION.
Once you sign any contract your signature becomes a financial instrument that they then monetise that document on the securities market your signature to them could be worth hundreds, thousand's and potentially millions, they are very cleverly tricking you to pay back the mortgage, loan's etc plus interest when they have already made money off of the paperwork you signed, they are double dipping and been getting away with it for centuries..
You will find if you have stopped paying your Credit Card or loan then the first 3 months of missed payments they only send polite reminders well I have found out from reading a book by P Michael Yates called 'The Title is Unimportant, How to get out of debt without paying a single penny' that after the 3 months of you not paying they have an insurance that then pays them the full amount of what you owe so they never loose and not only do they get the money back they then sell the debt to debt agencies. I can highly recommend this book and the website Debt Ninjas HERE
We are programmed and conditioned from such a young age, school, religion, TV, newspapers the government they take the real essence of who we really are by manipulating our minds with mind control through using propaganda and lies to keep us in fear so that we don't find out the truth of who we really are and what 'they' are up to and 'they' have done a pretty good job for thousands of years so that the majority spend their whole lives not really knowing why they are here 'they' keep us in the rat race being kept busy and numbed down with the motivation for money and materialism, movies, junk food, addictions, sports, sex, our ego the list is endless and through poisoned air, food and water that makes us ill that then has us relying on medication its a never endeing whell of distruction..
I would like to recommend two books that have helped me immensely from
Debt Nijas - The Title is Unimportand and The Big Stick.
And the course that everyone is talking about 'How to win in court without a lawer' here
Thank you for your time love and light.
Your support truly means a lot to me and helps fuel my journey to keep learning and sharing valuable information. If you're reading this and haven't yet made a donation even for a cup of coffee, I kindly ask that you to consider doing so as a way to recognize the time and resources I've invested in gathering and sharing this knowledge. Your contribution directly supports my ability to expand my knowledge and to keep fighting the good fight. Click here to support me. Thank you!
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